主な取組みMain Activities
In Meijo Girls’ High School, we offer various global courses for students to learn languages, histories, and cultures in order for students to make a positive contribution to the global society as a woman.
短期交換留学 Student exchange program

本校では、オーストラリア、シドニーにある姉v妹校Marist Sisters’ College Woolwich校との短期交換留学制度があります。両校の生徒が互いの高校を約2週間訪れ、授業やツアーに参加し異文化交流体験を行っています。滞在期間中はホームステイをしながら学校に通います。姉妹校ならではの交換留学ですので、本校を訪れたマリスト校の生徒が、あちらでのホストファミリーになってくれたりと安心して参加できるプログラムになっています。また、マリストの生徒を受け入れるホストファミリーも希望者が多数出るほどの楽しいものになっています。
Students have an opportunity to study abroad in one of our popular programs, at “Marist Sisters’ College Woolwich” in Sydney, Australia. It is a 2 week homestay and study exchange program where students join regular classes and learn about Australian culture. Host families welcome our students with open arms and provide a wonderful homestay experience. There is also an opportunity for our students to be a host family for students from Marist.
海外への修学旅行 Overseas School Trip
2年生になると、ベトナムへ修学旅行に行きます。現地では温かな人柄に触れ文字通り、「異文化交流」を体験するのです。そこで得られるのは、一生の思い出と広い視野。一回りも二回りも成長する、それが明浄の修学旅行です。 ※修学旅行先は諸事情により変更する場合もあります。
All 2ed grade students participate in an educational excursion for the school trip. The students will have chance to make wonderful memories and intercultural communication. This international experience in Vietnam will provide students a chance to broaden their vision and grow as a person. ※Destination may change, subject to availability.
少人数による英会話の授業 English lessons in a small group
In the 1st grade, students are enrolled in the everyday English conversation lessons with a native speaker in a small group setting. This is the first step for the students to challenge themselves in a fully immersed English speaking environment. Students gradually build their English foundation and confidence preparing them for 2nd grade everyday topics English lessons and also the farm stay trip in Australia. In the 3rd grade, students continue the English lessons in a team teaching class, with one native teacher and Japanese teacher to further explore the English language.
積極的な交流活動 Interaction activities
本校ではグローバルな視野でものごとを捉え、よりよい社会作りに参画できる人材育成を行うべく、学外での交流活動も積極的に行っています。台湾で行われた「高校生による国際会議『International High School Youth Leadership Conference Taiwan』」への参加や、ユネスコ国際教育交流事業による韓国の先生方との交流など、生徒たちが主体となってさまざまな活動に意欲的に取り組んでいます。
In order for students to broaden their perspectives and develop a global outlook, we offer various opportunities to students to exchange ideas and opinions with students from all over the world on various issues. One program is the “International High School Youth Leadership Conference in Taiwan” with participants from Africa, America, Canada and Japan. Another program, held by UNESCO international educational exchange business in Korea, encourages students to exchange ideas about their local activities in improving the society and environment.

ユネスコスクールAssociated Schools Project

ユネスコスクール (Associated Schools Project )は、ユネスコ憲章に示された理念を実現するために活動している学校で、全世界で多くの学校がユネスコスクールネットワーク(ASPnet )に加盟し活動を行っています。
ユネスコスクールは、そのグローバルなネットワークを活用し、世界中の学校と交流し、生徒間・教師間で情報や体験を分かち合い 、地球規模の諸問題に若者が対処できるような新しい教育内容や手法の開発、発展を目指しています。
日本でも、公立私立を問わず、幼稚園、小学校・中学校・高等学校及び教員養成系大学がこのネットワークに参加しており、明浄学院高等学校は2010年11月にユネスコスクールネットワーク(ASPnet )への加盟が承認されました。
The UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network(ASPnet), commonly referred to as UNESCO Associated Schools, is a global network of educational institutions in over 180 countries in the world.
We are connected with schools over the world, share information, and experiences between students and teachers. We work discuss global issues and ideas for education for sustainable development. In Japan, public or private schools, from pre-schools, primary, secondary schools and universities can join the network. Meijo Gakuin High School was admitted to ASPnet in November 2010.
Sounds like anyone can join…but it’s actually quite difficult and time consuming to join. Maybe we should cut this out in Japanese and English.
本校の取り組み Actions in Meijo Gakuin
In Meijo Gakuin, there are traditional events that have been cultivated in its 90 year history. Through many global opportunities, teachers are striving to help each and every student to broaden their horizons. Day by day, students will mature through education, interaction and communication enabling them the knowledge to survive in the modern society and achieve their dreams and aspirations.

明浄がユネスコスクールに認定されたのをきっかけに、明浄ユネスコクラブが発足されました。「グローバルな視野で物事をとらえ、自ら考え、発信しよう。また、対話によりその思いを共有すると共に、私たちにできることを考え、行動しよう!!」 そんな目標のもと、仲間たちで元気に活動を行っています。
After being admitted as a UNESCO school, Meijo UNESCO Club was formed. “Capture the world with your own eyes, and share your ideas with others to make the world better place.” Following this motto, students are planning and working on activities to achieve their goals.
In every activity, students have meetings twice a week with a native speaker. They discuss world issues all in English. One of their current activities is collecting old books from students and selling them where the funds are used to build a library in Africa.
We would like to expand various activities that allow students to communicate with different kinds of people outside of our school and beyond the borders of Japan with the world.